Nat Sup & Ch Cairistona Dolce Vespa
Lilac Burmese (BUR C)
Sire: Brz Dbl Gr Ch Miamber Mahoganee’s Maestro (Imp Aus) (BUR)
Dam: Ch Cairistona Dolce Lilla (BUR C)
Vespa is NZ’s first Shorthair Division cat to be awarded the title of National Supreme, which was awarded at the 2019 NZCF National Cat Show. She was given this title at her first cat show, aged 4 months.
Photo credit to Helmi Flick

Brz Dbl Gr Ch Cairistona Arya
Lilac Tortie Burmese (BUR E/C)
Sire: Dbl Gr Ch Sabokah Made You Look (BUR B)
Dam: Sapphire Dbl Gr Ch & Dbl Gr Pr Cairistona Tigerlily (BUR E/C)

Cairistona Melisandre
Chocolate Tortie Burmese (BUR E/B)
Sire: Ch Heartkatz My Archie (Imp Aus) (BUR B)
Dam: Brz Dbl Gr Ch Cairistona Arya (BUR E/C)